Can I Get An Ass Whoopin’ With a Side of Humble Pie?
Cycling the Tasmanian Trail
Started out innocuous enough, a quick 240 mile ride
across Tasmania. The Tasmanian Trail Association website gave a brief overview
and offered some photos. They suggested buying their online guide book for
twenty six dollars. But I could only do that by joining the association for a
yearly membership. That would cost thirty bucks more. By joining the
association and buying the guide book, I could also download the most recent
GPX file to my phone or my GPS. It also gave me the option to “rent” a key that
opened all the gates that I would have to pass through. It would be a total of
about seventy six dollars.
I elected to forgo all that. I’m a cheap skate and didn’t
want to spend the money. I asked myself, “How difficult could it be?” After all
I reasoned I rode the Baja Divide with not too much trouble. I used both my
phone and GPS to navigate with an open source download. The folks that provided
the GPX also wrote up some detailed notes on distances, resupply locations and
notes on water. All this I took for granted.
The day came and I set off. My friends gave me a ride
to Dover farther south on the Island. It was still
early when I got on my bike by the water and began
following the GPX track I downloaded from an open source. I found it in an
article in an online magazine written two years ago. I like to think I’m pretty
smart. There was this needling in the back of my mind. It was the feeling of
knowing the route may have changed in two years. Never the less, the first two kilometers were easy enough. I came to the huge “Welcome to the Tasmanian Trail”
sign at the bottom of a huge, steep hill. I started climbing and came to my
first gate. It was fairly new and I being on the downhill side the top of the
gate was level with my chin or thereabouts. I had to take the two full food
bags off the front forks to lift it. It was tough work. Climbed some more and
came to the second gate. Same thing, remove food bags and lift the bike etc.
When I crested the hill, the trail all but disappeared.
My GPS said it was right here! Not s sign. The trail
just disappeared into tall grass. I’d heard all about Australia’s numerous
venomous snakes. Australia boasts seven or nine of the world’s most deadly or
some such statistic. I think Tasmania only has three.
So there I go poking around in grass up to my waist.
All the while calling out, “Here snaky, snaky”! I didn’t want to surprise anybody.
After about forty five minutes of this, I did find what
may have been an old trail but there was an enormous gumtree down across it.
There was no going over, around or under it with the bike. After about ninety
minutes, I finally gave up. I was just in the wrong place. But if this wasn’t
trail, then where the hell was it?
I headed back down the hill and back over the two
gates. I was feeling quite dejected. I needed a plan B. After some deliberation
and asking around in town I was directed to a beach about five miles away where
I found some camping on the bluffs overlooking a stunning bay.
After lots of texting and phone calls back to my
friends in Hobart, we came up with Plan B.
The next day my friend John drove all the way back to
Dover from Hobart with the missing pieces of information. In a few short hours
he had managed to join the association, rent the key, and download the
guidebook and current GPX to his laptop. Boy did I feel like a total dunce!
I put my bike
in the car and got on the computer while John drove trying to find the new
trailhead. In the meantime I put it all the online info into an email and sent
it to myself.
I know that planning is not one of my strong suits. I
have a better understanding of why now.
When faced with lots of pieces of information in a
short amount of time, I think my brain just sort of short circuits. What I try
to pass off as whimsical and carefree is really feeling overwhelmed with
information and putting it into a useful semblance of a plan.
We found the new trailhead and the route followed
forest tracks through some wet, rainy conditions. We drove on to Geevesport.
This is a lovely little town up the trail another twenty miles or so. It always
amazes me how much more distance one can cover in an automobile. Now, armed
with the right route, info AND the key, I was really on my way.
From south to north the trail climbs steadily for days.
There was more than one day, where I was walking and pushing much of the days ride. It was
steep, rocky, and muddy at times.
There was one or two days where a forest road
became a track, became a trail and then disappeared into tall grass. On these
sections I had to watch for fence posts with the tell-tale bright yellow and
red triangles that mark the trail. There were a few sections of the trail where
I didn’t see many other people at all.

On the way were gum tree forests, creeks, small towns
and very cool bird life. I saw flocks of yellow tail black cockatoos. It is an
impressively large and loud bird. I saw and heard numerous other colorful
birds that I have not yet learned the names of. They were the one constant on
this ride. I was fortunate enough in the north on the coast to see one Little
Penguin. They come up on the beach and bluffs to nest in their burrows. I had
no idea that some penguins nested in burrows. There are truly wondrous and remarkable
things going on out there in the big world.
I did see one live short beaked echidna. It almost
looks like a small porcupine (for my North American friends) with a long snout
and a tongue that captures insects. It is classified as a monotreme. A monotreme
looks like a mammal but reproduces by laying eggs. That’s evolution in extreme
isolation folks! It’s a fascinating
animal. I feel lucky to have seen one.
Sadly, the only other wildlife I saw was all road kill.
It was disconcerting to be on mostly quiet low volume
roads with folks that drive steep, windy roads at high speed. There seemed to
be zero concern for wildlife in Tasmania. On the days when the sun came out and
it was warm, the smell of rotting carcasses seemed to pervade the air. I know
that sounds gross. And as most people don’t seem to go anywhere without being
inside a motor vehicle they don’t notice this. There was one big ass spider living in one of the trail registry boxes. I pulled out the book and there it was!
IN my mind, it certainly qualifies as wildlife. And it wasn't road kill. It was kind of flat between the pages of the book and looked dead. I nudged it with one foot and it ran across my other foot. It was very much alive! It's a common Huntsman.

The highest point on the ride is in the Central Lakes
District. This is some of the more remote and most exposed country in Tasmania.
It is alpine and sub-alpine scrub. Unfortunately, when I arrived there the
weather had deteriorated. It was very windy and blustery. I saw the rain coming
from a long way off. Maybe I’m a little overly cautious but rain and wind is a
bad combination. And there was a whole lot of nothing out there. I moved to
lower elevations quickly. I got a ride for part of it which was good. There was
the thickest fog I had ever seen. It was truly dense. We could barely see the
front of the pickup truck at times.
I reached Devonport in the center of the north coast
twelve days after leaving Dover in the south. Devonport
is smaller much more quiet than Hobart.
I was a bit surprised by this. The Spirit of Tasmania Ferry that
connects Tasmania to the mainland of Australia calls in to Devonport. Most of the vehicular traffic coming off or
getting on the ferry are caravans and travelers.
I booked my passage on the ferry for two days hence.
The cost of my bike was five dollars. I had to return to Hobart and retrieve
some of the things I had left there with my friends. I’m sure I could have
avoided the round trip from Devonport if I had “planned” differently. But there
it is again that pesky planning thing.
I’ve learned a thing or two. At least I hope I have.
The next chapter will take me north through Victoria to the Murray River and
then west toward Adelaide. That’s a plan right? I did buy a paper map.
For more information check out:
Special thanks and gratitude to the people of Tasmania;
John and Alison in Hobart; John, Shirley and Peter Tongue of Devonport; Karen Moore cyclist extraordinaire and
everyone else who is supporting me on this incredible journey.
Thanks for reading.